Check the list of the most popular part-time jobs for college students. Find out how you can earn money balancing work and studies successfully. Part-Time Jobs for College Students There is no student who wouldn’t like to become independent from parents and have his/her own money. Are you the one who is also looking for ways to balance work and studies? Nothing is impossible if you are a hard-working person who can set priorities and manage time effectively. Entrust some assignments to the reputable paper writing service and have more free time for other things you need to do. By...
10 Highly Recommended Books For College Students
We reached out to successful entrepreneurs from all over the world for their recommendations for college students (esp those who are about to graduate to have recently graduated) about the books they need to read. We got a ton of responses, and we shortlisted some of the best. These are some of the books (not in any particular order) that were highly recommended by successful entrepreneurs/CEOs etc 1) Elon Musk: How The Billionaire Ceo Of Spacex And Tesla Is Shaping Our Future Author: Ashley Vance Having graduated from college not too long ago myself, I found it difficult to actually...
Five Great American Writers To Consider In Your College Essay
We all need sources of motivation and inspiration for writing excellent custom college essays. And there is nothing more inspiring than people who made a significant impact on society and the world we live in. We offer you a list of great American writers whose lives and mindsets can definitely encourage any student to create a marvelous essay. You can not only learn new stylistic devices in their works but also find some facts from their biographies that can become powerful evidence and arguments in your piece of writing. After all, thorough research is, perhaps, an essential part of working...
Many Publishers Sue Audible Over New Feature
Big wigs of the book publishers have mutually filed litigation against Audible, Amazon-owned audiobook company, over an innovative, controversial speech-to-text characteristic, the scholarly circle considers a copyright law infringement. The top five publishers: HarperCollins, Macmillan, Hachette, Simon and Schuster and Penguin Random House, filed the lawsuit in the Southern District Court of New York. The San Francisco based publisher Chronicle Books and Scholastic, a major children’s publisher who also possesses publishing rights to Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, are also included in filing the lawsuit. All the complainants are members of the Association of American Publishers. Audible has revealed...
Donations Accepted
Donate Via Crypto Our main aim is to help students save money, especially when the college has become very expensive and tuition fees are soaring, graduates are getting buried in debt and the quality of education may not be improving by the same ratio as it's cost. Although textbooks are a small portion of the total cost, they alone can increase a student's bill by thousands of dollars! That's where we come in. We contact publishers, but most authors to try and get them to give us really good discounts. Our margins are very very thin (almost non-existent) and support,...