Regression Analysis: Unified Concepts, Practical Applications, Computer Implementation (PDF) is a brief and innovative ebook that gives a complete presentation of applied regression analysis in about one-half the space of competing books. With only the modest prerequisite of a fundamental (non-calculus) statistics course, this ebook is suitable for the widest possible audience including seniors, college juniors, and first-year graduate students in statistics and business, along with professionals in business and industry. The ebook can accommodate this wide audience because of the unique, integrative approach taken to the teaching of regression analysis. While other regression ebooks cover regression in four chapters, starting with a statistical review, followed by chapters on simple linear regression, matrix algebra, and multiple regression, this ebook introduces regression. It includes both simple linear regression and multiple regression in a single cohesive chapter. This is made possible through a practical, integrative discussion of the two techniques.
Moreover, in the same chapter (Chapter Two), basic statistical and matrix algebra concepts are introduced as needed to facilitate instruction. This approach prevents the needless repetition that is frequently found in longer treatments of the subject while bringing a collective focus to students of extensively varying mathematical backgrounds.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Regression Analysis: Unified Concepts, Practical Applications, Computer Implementation, in PDF. No access codes are included.
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